Welcome to this week’s newsletter from Zimmer and Peacock. This newsletter is a mixture of news, stories and tech notes from Zimmer and Peacock. If you want to subscribe to our newsletter or have any questions regarding Zimmer and Peacock and our passion for biosensor technologies please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Sensor singulation at ZP

At Zimmer and Peacock we have standard screen printed electrodes and we provide custom screen printing services for our clients.

In this video our engineers are singulating a sheet of electrodes for a new order.

Biosensor Development and Commercialization Workshop

ZP is delighted to be holding a Workshop dedicated to Biosensor Development and Commercialization, please click the buttons below to find out more.

ZP opens SE Asia Office

ZP is delighted to announce that we have opened an office in SE Asia to support our clients in the region regarding electrochemical sensors and biosensors, both in their development and manufacture.

ZPasia shared how the electrochemical sensor supports for industry 4.0 in Bogor

Not far from Kujang Monumnet, ZPasia presented the electrochemical sensor for Industry 4.0. Most researchers from Centre of Agro based Industry or Balai Besar industri Agro (BBIA), participated in a one day workshop. Dr Martin Peacock clearly shared the example of electrochemical sensor in Industry 4.0. One was the smartphone Chilli Sensor, but moreover, Martin showed them how to fabricate an electrochemical sensor using ZP’s products such as Ana Pot 4x.

Zimmer and Peacock is supporting our SE Asia clients in the development and manufacturing of their sensing and biosensing ideas.

ZP visits and shares a sensing method in Bandung

At ZP sharing information and inspiring people is part of our services. We have proved our commitment during a recent visit to the University of Padjadjaran. We showed how to use ANA POT 4x used for Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method.

In this short workshop, all participants including undergraduate and postgraduate students, lecturers, and researchers participated in a workshop including experimental activity. This workshop was very useful for sensor developer. To find more about ANA Pot 4x, please find more information on our website. We guarantee the instrument has a multi method and affordable for users.