Our raison d’etre at ZP is the measurement and delivery of  data to the Cloud, including working on hard to study samples. We were recently sent some very aggressive organic material/solvent based materials to test with regard to the  conductivity of the solutions. The solvents in the matrix included:

  • 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP)
  • Chloroform


As part of our validation of our solution ZP did test the solvent mixture also on a lab conductivity probe, see adjacent image, but we noted two PROBLEMS:

1) PROBLEM ONE – The organic solvents attacked the probe, and it is clear to us that the probe will soon be damaged by this material.

2) PROBLEN TWO – The viscosity and ‘stickiness’ of the material, probably due to the polymers in the sample, makes it very hard to measure the conductivity and clean/decontaminate the probe after use.


If you are interested in making conductivity measurements, where the matrix is challenging and so traditional conductvity probes are an issue, please contact ZP, and discuss our SenseItAll (SIA) platform.